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Imperial College London
Imperial College London
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
EPIDAPO, CNRS. George Washington University, Washington-DC, US
Research director
CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Orléans (France)
City College of New York/ CUNY
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
University of Alicante. Materials Institute (Alicante).
School of Engineering. University of East Anglia
University of Porto
Universidad de los Andes
Institute of Combustion Problems
Senior Lecturer in Engineering
Brown University
University of Castilla la Mancha
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, IETP
Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry
Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE), Avenida Juan de la Cierva, 24 46980 Paterna, Valencia, Spain
Instituto Tecnológico de la Energía (ITE)
European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), Universidad de Oviedo (Spain)
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono, INCAR-CSIC
Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Carbono-CSIC
Uppsala University
IMT Mines Albi, UMR CNRS 5302, Centre RAPSODEE
Instituto Universitario de Materiales (IUMA)
Institut Jean Lamour - UMR CNRS 7198, Université de Lorraine
University of Lorraine
UPR3572, I2CT
CNRS Director of Research
ICMN/CNRS/University of Orleans
University of Montreal

 Carbon 2022 is grateful to the sponsors for their support: 


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