
"It is my pleasure as President of the British Carbon Group and Chairman of the Conference organising committee, to warmly invite the global Carbon community to the World Conference on Carbon, Carbon '22,  being held at Imperial College in London, UK from 3-8th July 2022.

It has not been an easy journey reaching the point of formally launching the Conference. The COVID-19 pandemic prevented us meeting in Japan in 2019 and we made a very difficult decision to postpone Carbon '21 in London, which was only made possible thanks to the support and cooperation of our colleagues in Mexico and the other carbon associations across the globe respectively, agreeing to this delay and moving their own event in Cancun to 2023 and subsequent events on one year. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a hugely detrimental impact on our community, breaking links between groups, disrupting research, notwithstanding the huge human costs.   We know how important it is that we can meet again in person to re-establish the discussion, co-operation and collaborations at the heart of the Carbon research community.

The Carbon '22 theme is 'Carbon for a Cleaner Future'.  Arguably, there has never been a more important time when new scientific and technological innovation from the Carbon research community has been needed. Carbon, as carbon dioxide, is blamed for the current climate and environmental problems.  It is our sincere hope that research presented and launched at Carbon '22 will emphasize the message that Carbon-based materials are an important part of the solution.

The conference will be based in my own Institution, Imperial College London.  Imperial lies in the very heart of London's South Kensington district, where the Great Exhibition of 1851 was located and inspired the Victorian era. We hope that alongside the innovative and technical elements of Carbon '22, you will find time to enjoy the vast cultural and culinary delights that London has to offer, most within walking distance or a short tube ride from the conference.   Our conference dinner will be on board a river Thames cruise boat, passing many of London's most historical landmarks such as the Tower of London, London Bridge and the Houses of Parliament.

We cannot wait to welcome you to London to continue the traditions started with the first World Carbon Conference in 2000, when scientists from around the globe gathered to discuss and celebrate advancements in the field of Carbon science and technology together in-person, and we intend to continue that tradition in Carbon '22 - 'Carbon for a cleaner future'. "

Dr. Geoff Fowler

British Carbon Group President and Chair of the 2022 World Conference on Carbon

The conference is the latest in the series if world conferences on Carbon. Below is the commemorative slab of engineered Graphite passed between sites for the World Conference on Carbon series since 2000 (slab kindly donated by SGL). The slab made its appearance in London in 2022!

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 Carbon 2022 is grateful to the sponsors for their support: 


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