FAQs on registration & submissions

I need some help or guidance concerning Abstract Submission.

There is now a separate page on the Website concerning Abstracts.  Please click here to read it.

Where do I go to register for the conference?

You need to create an account here first. Then please go to the online registration page.  We advise against seeking to register 'on-the-day' and if past the final registration date special arrangements may be possible, please email Geoff Fowler 

Can I get a discount for registering early?

Absolutely. Carbon 2022 offers an "early-bird" discount at all registration levels to those who register for the conference before April 16th 2022.

My bank transfer is taking a longer time, may I still avail the early bird discount?

We have been contacted by some delegates who will have difficulty completing payment before the early bird deadline, because of administrative department closure for Easter. If you are in email contact with us about direct debit payment before the 15th April deadline, you can still register at the "early bird" registration rate, even if the payment is completed after 15th April.  Similarly, if you are paying by credit card but are delayed, you can follow the website registration process as far as the payment option and then stop.  This will give you early-bird "pending" status and you can complete the payment after the deadline.

What does my registration fee include?

The registration fee includes access to all sessions, welcome pack, access to the online conference programme and abstract book, buffet lunches and refreshments (tea/coffee) each day, the Sunday wine reception and the conference banquet. Please note that accommodation is not included in the fee.

I need a letter for my visa application, where I can find this?

Once you are registered with Carbon 2022, log onto the website (link top-right of the home page) with your username and password.  The page you are taken to should have a blue button on the top-right of the screen which says "Generate Visa Letter".  Clicking there will automatically generate a pdf letter. If this letter is not sufficient, please contact us directly.  We cannot provide visa letters for people who are not attending the conference or the conference dinner, in this case they can apply directly for a tourist visa.

I cannot pay by credit card, what should I do?
We prefer to receive payment via credit card through the registration system of the website.  If your institution is not able to pay by credit card then we can manually arrange a bank transfer.  If you would like to arrange this, please email us directly at carbon2022.bcg@gmail.com.

Can I only register excluding buffet lunches and banquet?

Unfortunately, no separate registration without buffet lunches is possible. You will have to pay complete fees that include lunches and banquet dinner.

Is accommodation included in registration?

No, accommodation is not included in the registration fees. There are a range of reasonably priced hotels in the area as well as university student accommodation, please see the menu link at the top of the page.  We recommend arranging accommodation as soon as possible, as the Wimbledon tennis tournament is on over the conference period in London which may put pressure on available hotel space.

Can I submit my abstract before payment of registration fees?

Abstract submission is now closed.  Previously though, yes, Submission of abstract is possible before complete registration and payment. You need to create an account here and then submit the abstract here. However, participants whose abstract has been accepted for oral presentation will need to register and pay the registration fee by 15th April, to confirm their presentation slot in the conference programme.

Is conference dinner included in the registration fees?

The conference dinner is included in the registration fees, it will be on a boat on the Thames. You have an option to purchase additional tickets for accompanying persons.

I will not be presenting any work at the Conference. May I attend the event without registering?

We welcome participants who are not presenting work, but full registration is required. You can register in advance at the early bird registration rate.

I am bringing an accompanying person, what is included at the conference?

If you wish to pay the accompanying person rate, this covers the cost of attendance at the conference banquet (this is listed at "cost price" to the conference). This rate does not include any attendance at the conference site.  Accompanying persons CANNOT attend the conference technical or exhibitions sessions or reception events at Imperial College.  A full conference fee must be paid (£749 + VAT) to enable access to all the conference technical sessions and it includes a banquet ticket and entitles the holder full access to all conference sessions, events and refreshments. There is no other way to attend the conference at Imperial College.

I just want to attend my colleague's session. May I register for a single day at a reduced rate?

No, unfortunately, single-day registration is not permitted. To encourage sufficient audience attendance for all presentations and foster a genuine scientific discussion we insist that all attendees register for the entire conference.

I need more information about editing abstracts and submitting extended abstracts.

There is more information on a separate web page about this, please click here. 

Is there a template for extended abstract submission?

The template for an extended abstract can be downloaded here : Carbon 2022_conf_template V3.rtf. Please upload your extended abstract by adding it to your accepted short abstract as described in the Abstract submission page. Extended abstracts and short abstracts will be accessible via the online abstract book. Extended abstracts are not compulsory but strongly recommended, making it easier for other delegates to find your work. We will be opening the option to upload the extended abstract after 15th April.

Should I worry about copyright infringement if my abstract overlaps with work I have recently published, or am about to publish?

Authors are reminded that submission of a short abstract or an extended abstract does not count as a prior publication under the general policies adopted by most publishers.  For clarity, any submission implies the grant of a royalty-free licence to distribute the abstracts to the paid delegates of the conference and for the purposes of the conference.  The grant of this licence does not in any way inhibit future publication, for example, in a peer reviewed journal and the copyright is wholly retained by the authors.  The abstracts may be assembled into a proceedings for the purposes of a conference record, and made available to paid delegates at the conference, and may be made available after the conference as a proceedings at the discretion of the British Carbon Group (Host organisation).  Authors have a duty to ensure that any copyright associated with their abstract rests with them and that all authors have agreed to the submission and the grant of a royalty-free licence to the British Carbon Group (Hosts) for the purpose described.  Submitting already published work is acceptable under the general authors' rights by most publishers but should make reference to the paper in the extended abstract.  Authors are advised to check with the publisher of their paper if they feel there is any doubt. 

If your question is still unanswered, contact Carbon 2022 directly at carbon2022.bcg@gmail.com.

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 Carbon 2022 is grateful to the sponsors for their support: 


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