Meet the team

Carbon 2022 was organised by the British Carbon Group. The British Carbon Group is a special interest group of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the  Institute of Physics and the Society of Chemical Industry devoted to the advancement of carbon science. It is also a member of the European Carbon Association.

 Organising Committee 

Geoff FowlerChris EwelsIzabela JurewiczGareth NeighbourSamantha Wilkinson
Dept. Civil and Environmental EngineeringImperial College London SCI Appointed Representative at British Carbon Group
Conference Vice-Chair Institute of Materials, CNRS / University of Nantes, France
Advanced Material Development Ltd. Hon. Treasurer at British Carbon Group
Open University Committee Member at BCG
National Nuclear Laboratory, Sellafield
Communications and New Media Officer at BCG

Peter C. MinshallNatalia MartsinovichSergey MikhalovskyMaria-Magdalena TitiriciNorman Parkyns
Principal Consultant, Magnox Ltd, South Gloucestershire, Hon. Secretary: IoP Appointed Representative at BCG

Department of Chemistry, University of Sheffield, Committee Member at BCG

ANAMAD Ltd and Visiting Professor at University of Southampton Carbon 2022 Support Team at BCG

Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London, Committee Member at BCG

RSC Appointed Representative at BCG

International Advisory Board 

Rodney Andrews
Alberto Bianco
Hui-Ming Chen
Yuan Chen
Deborah Chung
Marc Monthioux
University of Kentucky
CNRS Strasbourg
Shenyang National Laboratory
University of Sydney
University of Buffalo
CEMES, CNRS, Toulouse

Jonathan Coleman
Luiz Depine de Castro
Morinobu Endo
Elżbieta Frąckowiak
Nidia Gallego
Hiroaki Hatori
Trinity College Dublin
Centro Tecnologico do Exercito
Shinshu University
Poznan University of Technology

Robert Hurt
Nathalie Job
Emilia Morallon
Chong Rae Park
Rodney Ruoff
Michael Strano
Brown University
University of Liege
 University of Alicante
Seoul National University
University of Ulsan

Juan M. D. Tascon
Mauricio Terrones
Matthew Weisenberger
Aiden Westwood
Penn State University
University of Kentucky
Leeds University

Special thanks to Manasi R Mulay for all her work designing, developing and running the conference website. Also, many thanks to the dryfta team for technical support and troubleshooting during registration and submission process.

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 Carbon 2022 is grateful to the sponsors for their support: 


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